This template is for:
Conversion rate optimization (CRO)
Usability testing
Navigation testing
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Did you know that 80% of shoppers leave websites in frustration when the search function falls short? Can customers can easily search for and discover products on your site?
This template leverages methods like first click testing and navigation testing to evaluate how effectively users find products, browse categories, and use your site's search features.
By identifying barriers in the user journey, you can set actionable steps to enhance the shopping experience, improve conversions, and increase customer satisfaction.
This template will help you discover
How easily users can find specific products on your site.
Whether your navigation aligns with user expectations.
Barriers to product discoverability and ways to improve the user journey.
How to use this template
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“The navigation test is god's gift to UI designers. It probably has the best power-to-simplicity ratio of any software, ever.”
Nick Franklin,
CEO at ChartMogul

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